Monday, April 02, 2007

Pete is every kink I have in a tiny pretty emo package

How did I live in this world before this picture existed. I mean seriously I spent so many years of my life without this picture and now that it's here I realize what the waiting was for.

Wow, just wow.

I don't think I could love that little brown white man anymore. Also I found out he's half Polynesian not secretly Mexican like I had hypothesized. Thanks f-list at Live Journal!

*stares at pic til eyes cross, whacks head to right myself.... .... stares some more*

I mean usually I'm attracted to him. Even when he's looking a tad bit wrecked or just not at his best I find something to swoon over or "awww" about but this?

This is fucking bananas. This is just sending my libido into overdrive. This picture is securing my wrists over my head and slow dragging my sensibilities while it whispers dirty dirty things into my subconciousness. This is what we in the fandom call a very good day.

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