Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Pete Wentz has given me the best Valentine

It's flattering because I didn't think he even knew me but apparently not only does he know me he also knows what I want most on this made-up Hallmark holiday. Apparently in the upcoming Blender my figure head and minor deity has this to say:

I tend to be a bit prudish. I'm a make-out king--I'll kiss anybody--but as far as going further than that, I wanna keep my number down. I don't wanna tell my future wife, "Yeah, I've been with, like, 50 people." But when I'm with somebody, the caveman in me wants it to be completely deviant. Like, "Oh this isn't supposed to go in there? Then that's where it has to go."


I have. Anybody above the waist is fair game.

*swoons and dies*


Okay, so yah, he's said shit like this before. "I'm gay above the waist." but that was tongue-in-cheek "awww he's just funnin!" This is an admission ... no an affirmation. There is nothing to "admit" or be shameful about. He makes out with dudes. It's a thing. An excellent thing. That I hope he totally captures on tape or at least still camera and posts because he is the king of over share and its' only right to provide photographic evidence to his comment. In fact I hope every few months he goes a bit forward in his 'coming out' process and by the end of 2007 he's kissing boys on red carpets and talking about his graduation to below the belt fun.

Now let's get into fiction. The list of boys he's kissed or rather the list of boys I HOPE he's kissed. Please be advised that the rest of this post comes from my fevered dreams. In order of likelihood?

William Beckett
from The Academy Is (This is actually a no brainer. They have actually pecked on the lips on stage and cuddled a lot but now I'm talking long leisurely kisses, Beckett's 9 feet of legs wrapped around Pete's slight 5 foot frame, hands in hair, tongues jockeying for supremacy.)

Ryan Ross from Panic! at the Disco (Ryan's fanboy worship would be a powerful compelling factor. Even if Ryan is way straighter than his clothing and make-up choices suggest, I just don't see him turning down Pete Wentz kissage. Also, Pete is fucking in love with that kid. Seriously.)

Mikey Way from My Chemical Romance (Apparently during Warped Tour 05 Mikey and Pete were in wuv. The gay rumors got so prevalent that it leaped out of the back alleys of slash and got into the general fandom. Mikey actually wrote a "denial" in his journal that read like an affirmation of its truth.)

Brendon Urie from Panic! At The Disco (Okay, this is a big maybe... like as a hyper little joke shared btwn them. OR during a game of 7 Minutes In Heaven/Spin The Bottle/Truth or Dare Their personalities are very similar in a lot of ways. I feel strongly that Brendon would make out with a dude if only for shock value, then he'd get really into it and moan into Pete's mouth and nip at his lips with his teeth and ... and wait where was I? Oh! Things could get complicated because I think Brendon is enamored by Ryan and Pete is too so it could also be some weird bonding over their mutual unrequited love. I guess you can tell that I think Ryan is the straightest of them and I know that makes me a freak in my fandom but whatevs.)

Nick Wheeler & Tyson Ritter
from All American Rejects (Both bands seems to really like one another. They performed together for MTV New Years 2006 and it was awesome. Then FOB took AAR on their Black Clouds & Underdogs tour. Nick and Tyson will get their own entry in the coming days but as far as making out with Pete Wentz goes, Nick and Pete apparently shared a kiss on stage during BC&UD because Nick was playing Pete's bass while Pete sang or something so they probably did some serious kissing at some time during the tour too.

As far as Tyson, Pete once called him "The Hottie" and Ritter's reply was to call him a "Sex Machine" Ritter is just too damn beautiful not to get Wentz tongue and everything in my being makes me feel that Tyson would be amenable to such an arrangement. I'm more of a Nick girl but I love both of them lots. Maybe they all had a threesome!

Frank Iero from My Chemical Romance (There's no reason. I just think he's fucking hot.)

Countless other "scene" or "emo" boys (Because who else would he make out with after he made his way through the bands he knows or A&Rs for? For some reason emo boys enjoy kissing one another. It's counter culture or a sign of sexual protest. It's a delightful habit.)

Andy Hurley from Fall Out Boy (I know most people in the fandom see Pete and Patrick in a romantic/sexual relationship but really I see them as being so beyond that, like they wouldn’t' want to fuck up their connection so they don't fuck or make out or anything.

So why have I picked the vegan drummer over the soulful music writer and vocalist? Well Pete and he are contemporaries while Joe and Patrick were mere minors when they started as a band. Andy and Pete were in bands together before and Pete is always making comments about Andy's animal sexuality and all the mad fucking he does. Mostly I just have a fic in my head about Andy and Pete coming home from one of their pre FOB hardcore gigs kinda drained and falling into bed together.

Andy also said that he likes round juicy butts and Pete does have one of those. At first I took it as a code for "I likes black girls!" I promptly claimed him as my new white vegan boyfriend, but actually, the Pete Wentz fuckage is more delish so we'll go with that! :o)

PS In a slightly related note: Infinity On High is everything a rock album should be. I lovesit big-big!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey your website is nice
look at at this cool emo video: