Sunday, January 14, 2007

Who Shot Who in the What Now? Pt 1

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On the surface I really shouldn't like Pete Wentz. He grew up white, male, upper middle class and with two loving parents. Then he went on to become a rock superstar, yet he's still all depressed and emo like he has anything to be particularly depressed or emo about. I bet he's never even seen a damn food stamp let alone been forced to attempt stealthy trips to the corner store like a ninja lest someone from school actually see him using the stamps to buy like eggs or something. No, Pete Wentz's blues aint like mine. Not that I had a completely horrible childhood but I didn't make it out of my teens with both my parents alive so you know there's that... I'm not bitter though ... okay obviously in the deep recesses there's the lime tang of bitterness but that's far overshadowed by my "YAAY PETE!" reaction whenever I see/ hear/ fantasize *ahem* about him. I find myself endlessly amused and charmed by his antics even as his visage elicits my dreamy eyed sighing lust.

So yah, I like Pete. Oh there is so much to like. He seems genuinely sweet and kind but also kinda fucked up and a little insecure but in the same way a lot of us are fucked up and a little insecure and that makes him all relatable and stuff. Also, and this cannot be overstated. Pete Wentz wear's guyliner like nobody's business.
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I love dudes in make-up and spiky hair and Peter just does that look to perfection. I admire how open he is with the world and how he wears his psychological scrapes as a badge of honor and instead of balling up into a fetal knot in a corner he takes all his angst and channels it into some of the best fucking lyrics I've ever had the pleasure of screeching at the top of my lungs in the shower. My favorite thing about him though is that he's always, always, always pushing the limit on male sexuality and creates a sphere of comfort for homoerotic expression wherever he goes. He's not the first rocker to do this. Homoerotic stage antics seem to be a staple of rock life, but I admire Pete's sheer commitment to it. He just goes that extra mile, ya know?

He's also ambitious and hard working, which is a plus but it can also be kind of troublesome when he seems to idolize the likes of Jay-Z and other rappers. Let me 'xplain. I'm a hip hop refugee. I grew up in hip-hop but fled from it right around the time Snoop was telling me that "Bitches Aint Shit But Hoes and Tricks" and Biggie was informing me that I won't get "nathan but penetration" and of course Jay-Z and Foxy Brown were talking about "Aint No N**ga" ... so yah, Pete, darling dearest, I love you. I want to keep loving you. Don't collaborate with Snoop or anybody, mkay. Please?

Despite all that disturbing fangirling above, this is NOT a fan journal. I know right? I'm a fan of stuff so if squeeing and gasping and geeking out is needed, I will do what I must but really the fandom bit is just a jumping off point for me to run my mouth and pop mad shit. My main goal though, is not to propagate or celebrate the fame of anyone. It's a space for me to explore my own observations and reactions to my various fandoms (obsessions). Oh and there is so much to analyze and critique with these characters whose CDs I listen to or whose movies I replay all the time. "But Squall," you ask. "wouldn't it be best for you to analyze the inner reaches of your own character and soul?" And to you I say "Yah, but I don't wanna." So gay acting famous boys it is. Huzzah!

So we're clear right? This blog isn’t' really about Pete Wentz. Think of him ... think of him as a figure head. Okay, before I continue, I'll give you a minute to snicker over my use of the word "head". Go on. I'll wait. ...... ..... ... Okay then, so yeah, Pete stands for something larger. He's like a metaphor or symbol or something.

Cont'd in WSWitWN? Part 2

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